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ملخص We Can 2 للصف الثاني الابتدائي الفصل الاول


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ملخص انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف1 الفصل الاول

مراجعة انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي الفصل الاول


Unit and TopicTalk Time
Rhythms and Listening
Good morning.
Welcome to class.
Let’s play a game.
Good idea! Watch me.
Make pairs. Okay.
Let’s start! Yeah!
Stop! Are you ready?
Let’s do it again.
One more time.
Please listen to me.
Wow! Good job! Let’s finish.
You were great! Good-bye.
Term 11
Feelings Hello.
Hi. It’s nice to meet you.
too. How are you? I’m great, thanks. And you?
I’m fine.Chant:
If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap your hands.
Stamp your foot. Nod your head.
Snap your fingers.
Thump your chest.2 Things We WearWow! I like your (hat).
Thank you.
Whose (hat) is this?
It’s not mine. It’s mine.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Chant: Who is Wearing Green? I am wearing green today.
Look at me. I am.
I’m not. Color review3 Things We DoHello.
Can I speak to (Joe)?
Speaking. What are you doing?
I’m (watching TV). And you?
I’m (eating snacks).
Chant: What Are You Doing?
I’m doing karate.
I’m playing football.
Term 24 Beautiful NatureLook!
It’s a (snake, plastic bag).
It’s (short / long, beautiful / ugly).
Look at the beautiful …Chant:
I Love the MountainsI love the (mountains, rolling hills, flowers, daffodils, campfire when all the stars are out).
5 Friends, Actions, Things
Good morning (Ali).
Where’s (Jake)? He can’t (come). He’s (helping his brother).
This is my (friend Omar).
Nice to meet you (Omar)!
Nice to meet you, too! Ready?
Let’s (go to the new computer store!)
Chant: “Good morning!” ChantGood morning/ afternoon/ evening!Goodnight! Chant: We’re playing,
we’re cycling(Our friends) are (laughing, jump-ing, cycling) as happy as can be! (His friend) is (walking, talking, not cycling) Are you/ they (playing, cy-cling)?
We’re not (playing), they’re not (cycling)
Words in Action Phonics Phonics Practice
Term 1
What’s the matter?
I’m (hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, sleepy,
Consonants-C and Cl, L and Cl
cap, clap, lock, clock
Long/short vowels
a and a_e, i and i_e
cap, cape, tap, tape, pin, pine, ink, Tim,
time, iron
Phonics Jingle
I’m wearing (a T-shirt, a jacket, a cap,
jeans, a skirt, sunglasses, a sweater, a
a hat, shoes).
Consonants – P and B
P and B Jingles
parrot, pen, panda
bear, banana, bed
Consonant clusters – pl and bl
plane, plate, blue, black
-gr, grass, green, great
-who, whose, who and what, white
Handwriting Practice: Phonics Key Words
What are you doing? I’m (watching TV, eating
snacks, doing karate / my homework,
playing football / computer games).
Consonants – T and D
T and D Jingles
tiger, tomato, telephone
door, doll, duck
-ph, phone, photo, phonics, elephant
-ing, ring, wing, speaking, doing, watching,
eating, playing
tr and dr, tree, truck, dress, drink
Words with a e i o u

ملخص انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف1 الفصل الاول للطباعة والتحميل والعرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي

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