مقرر الانجليزي للصف الرابع الابتدائي الفصل الثاني
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كتاب الانجليزي رابع ابتدائي pdf
Good morning (Ali). Where’s
(Jake)? He can’t (come). He’s
(helping his brother). This is
my (friend Omar). Nice to meet
you (Omar)! Nice to meet you,
too! Ready? Let’s (go to the new
computer store!)
Chant: “Good morning!” Chant
Good morning/ afternoon/
Chant: We’re playing, we’re
(Our friends) are (laughing,
jumping, cycling) as happy
as can be!
(His friend) is (walking,
talking, not cycling) Are
you/ they (playing, cycling)?
We’re not (playing), they’re
not (cycling).
3 Wild Animals Look! It’s (a baby monkey, an
elephant). Monkeys are cute.
Elephants are big. Where’s the (lion,
It’s over there. / It’s here.
Chant: Animal Chant
I will catch a (monkey,
elephant, tiger, snake, bear)
by the (toes, tail, nose).
Sounds: monkey, elephant,
tiger, snake, bear
4 From Here to There Excuse me. Where’s the train
station? Walk straight and turn left.
How do you go to school? I walk.
How about you? I go by school bus.
Chant: When You See a Red
red, yellow, green, stop, wait,
Consonants – C and G
C and G Jingles
cat, cake, cap
goat, gorilla, girl
Consonant clusters – gr and cr,
gl and cl
class, crab, glass, grass
sn and sh
snake, shake, snow, show
/z/, /s/, /ız/
mountains, flowers, hills, cats, ducks,
snakes, faces, dresses, noses
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كتاب الانجليزي رابع ابتدائي ف2 الصفحة تعرض النسخة الرقمية للكتاب المقرر قابل للطباعة والتحميل والعرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي