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نموذج اختبار We Can 3 للصف الخامس الابتدائي الفصل الثاني

نموذج اختبار نهائي لمادة الانجليزي خامس ف2


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اختبار منتصف الفصل الثاني انجليزي صف خامس


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تحميل word

اختبار انجليزي خامس ابتدائي ف2 الفصل الثاني نماذج اختبارات محلولة فترة ونهائية قابلة للطباعة والتحميل والعرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي

اختبار انجليزي خامس ابتدائي ف2 الفصل الثاني

تقويم لمادة الانجليزي الصف الخامس – الفصل الدراسي الثاني

Quiz 2nd 3rd 4th 5th grade
Unit Friends, Action ,Things

1 – This is my friend Nora ?
A. Nice to meet you Nora . B. I am 10 .
2 – Good morning !
A. Nice to meet you,too . B. Good morning.
3 – Is he playing ?
A. Yes, he is . B. No, he isn’t .
4- Where is she ?
A. She is playing . B. She is at home.

reading short sentences

Lemons are sour .

They are walking .

controlled writing
1 – hot – rice – is . ( Rearrange )
2-Apples are __ . sweet cold hot

1 – She _ playing . is am are 2- They cycling . am is are
3- I have apples
oranges . or and but

morning – soup – chips -carrots – bath

Orthography (spelling)
Choose the correct letter: ( ch , l , g , o )
Oran _ e
H _ t
Co _ d
Sandwi _ _

From Here to There Excuse me. Where’s the train
station? Walk straight and turn left.
How do you go to school? I walk.
How about you? I go by school bus.
Chant: When You See a Red
red, yellow, green, stop, wait,

Elephants (are big, have trunks).
Zebras (are black and white, have
stripes). Crocodiles (are scary, have
big teeth). Chimpanzees (are smart,
have long arms). Snakes (are long,
have no arms or legs). Hippos (are
fat, have big mouths).
Long/short vowels
o and o_e, u and u_e, oo, ea
octopus, fox, rose, rope
cup, bus, duck, cube, huge, uniform
book, foot, cook, food, boot, moon
head, bread, feather, peach, meat, bread
Final s
hippos, crocodiles, snakes, elephants,
dresses, faces
Words with -s ending
Words with bl, pl Consonant

اختبار انجليزي خامس ابتدائي ف2 الفصل الثاني

III- Reading Short Sentence:
Q3: Match the sentence with the pictures:

I love the daffodils.

Let’s have lunch.

Look. It’s a monkey.

I go to the school by bus.
IV- Grammar:
Q4: Choose the correct answer:
1- Excuse me. Where (am – is – are) the airport?
2- Chimpanzees (have – has – is) long arms.
3- This is (a – an – at) elephant.
4- I have dinner (in – on – at) night.
5- The word “pens” is pronounced as ( Z – S – IZ )
V- Vocabulary:
Q5: Write the number under picture:
1.turn left 2.ambulance 3. flower 4.snow 5.breakfast 6.giraffe
(3) (5) (6) (2) (4) (1)
VI- Orthography:
Q6: Fill in the missing letters:
c / e / o / u / r / k / u / a / p
wea_k_ go_a_t so_u_r ro_p_e feathe_r_ bo_o_t s_l_eep clo_c_k
End of Questions

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