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مراجعة مادة الانجليزي Super Goal3 للصف الثالث متوسط الفصل الثاني


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ملخص الانجليزي ثالث متوسط ف2

A. Choose the correct answer.
1-I have (play-playing-played) football since I was 10.
2-She has (study-studied-studying ) English for five years.
3-Hameed has had the same TV (for -since-to )15 years.
4-How long has Ali (know-knows-known )his friend?
5-The fish has been (eat-eaten -ate )by the cat.

مراجعة انجليزي صف ثالث متوسط الفصل الثاني

ملخص الانجليزي ثالث متوسط ف2
ملخص الانجليزي ثالث متوسط ف2

B. Do as shown between brackets.
a-I’ve had my laptop for last June
b-The room is clean by Sara…cleaned
2-Use (How long)
a- Omar/go/to this dentist
How long has Omar gone to this dentist?
b-They/use / this laptop
How long have they used this laptop?
3-change into passive.
a- The boys broke the window.. the window was broken by the boys.
b-Sami bought a car. A car was bought by Sami.
4-make yes or No question then answer.
a-They have met George.
Have they met George?
yes, they have.

choose the correct answer:
1-Ali is (tall-taller-tallest) than Ahmad.
2- Jake gets the
Asma’s world the city.
grade in the class.
3-you are as (smart-smarter-smartest)
as your brother.
4-we visited (the-a-X) Jeddah last week.
5-1 read (a-an-the) Holy Quran everyday.
6-Omar has the (expensive – most expensive – more expensive) car in
7-She visited (a X-the )Alps last year.
8-Trains are (fast-faster-fastest) than buses

تلخيص انجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الثاني

Do as shown between brackets.
a- your grade is bad than me.
b-He is in the Dubai in business. Dubai
c-It’s the popular restaurant in town.
most popular
d- When a sun goes down you can see the moon the.
2-Where is the main post office?
(make indirect question)
Do you know Where the main post office is? OR Could you tell me where the post office is?
3-Rome is an amazing city, Paris is an amazing city.
Paris is as amazing as Rome Use (as……….as)
4-add er
a-cute cuter.
b- happy happier
c- long longer
d-hot hotter
5-add est
a-nice nicest

A. Choose the correct answer.
1-You were in Jeddah, (wasn’t- weren’t- aren’t) you?
2- She studied in London, (didn’t- don’t – doesn’t) she?
3- They aren’t from Egypt, (are they – are not they – do they)?
4- Majed is able to (drive – drives – driving) a car.
5- Sara should (see-saw-seen) the doctor.

B. Do as shown between brackets.
a-She reads this novel, do not she?….does..
b-Ahmaed is able to fixes the car……fix..stay.
c-He should staying at home.

1-Why we \ order la pizza \ don’t \?
Why don’t we order a pizza?
2-go \shopping let’s
Let’s go shopping.
3-Complete the tag questions.
a-He didn’t buy that fan did he?
b-You live in Dammam don’t you?

تحميل تلخيص مادة الانجليزي صف ثالث متوسط

A-Choose the correct answer:
1-You must (stop-stopping-stops) at the traffic light.
2-Can you (helps – helping – help ) me?
3- Omar drives (slow – slowly-slows).
4-You shouldn’t( ate – eating- eat )when you’re driving.
5-Don’t (park – parks – parking ) your car there.
6- Saeed plays (well-will-good).

2-Do as shown between brackets.
1-” put your seatbelt.” (father said to his children)
The father told his children to put on their seatbelts
2-“Can you make the lunch?” (my mother asked me.)
My mother asked me to make the lunch.

B-(( Give me the negative).
1-Close the window Don’t close the window
2-raise your hand Don’t raise your hand

1- You mustn’t talks during the test.
2- Please don’t drove so fast……….drive……talk.

D-( use adverb of manner)
1-Khalid is a good writer. Khalid writes Well
2-They are fast runner They run fast

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