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اختبار مادة Super Goal1 أول متوسط الفصل الثالث

الاختبار النظري نهائي Super Goal 1 الفصل الدراسي الثالث


تحميل Word

نموذج اختبار استماع Super Goal 1 ف3


تحميل Word

اختبار منتصف الفصل انجليزي أول متوسط ف3


تحميل Word

نموذج اختبار الإنجليزي أول متوسط ف3

نموذج اختبار الإنجليزي أول متوسط ف3

My favorite mall is Al-Othem shopping Centre .
It is in Riyadh .
It is very big and it has two floors.
There are many shops .
It also has a large supermarket .
There are many places that sell tasty food.
Shopping in Al-Othem is easy .

A-Choose the correct answer:

1-Al-Otheim shopping Centre is in …………………………..
a- Riyadh b-Jeddah c- Abha
2-There is a large ………….. in AL-Otheim shopping Centre .
a-bookstore b-bank c-supermarket
3- It is very big it has ………………………. floors.
a- two b-five c-three
B) Put (√ ) or (×):
1- Shopping in AL-Othem is easy . ( )
2- There aren’t any restaurant . ( )

2-choose the correct answer

1- We like to ( goes – going – go) shopping.
2- I’m going to ( wear – wearing – wears ) jeans.
3-( Are – Am – Is ) you going to go to Dubai?
4- I can ( play – plays – playing ) chess.
5- Amal is( book – books – booking) the restaurant tonight.
6- They enjoy ( swim – swims – swimming) in the summer.
7- He’s going to ( taking – takes – take) light clothes.
8- John ( isn’t – don’t – doesn’t ) like to ride horses.
9- We are (watch – watching – watched )a film on TV this evening.
10- She can’t stand ( cook – cooking – cooks ).

Do as shown between brackets.

1-You can speaks English. …………………….
2- He is wash his car on Wednesday. ……………………
3- I would like to buying a new laptop. …………………
4- I’m going to meeting my friends. ………………..……
B-(answer )
a- Can Fred drive a bus?
No, …………………………………………………….
C- ( Give the negative ).
a-Omar likes to fish.

a- She / going / a new dress / is / to buy

تحميل اختبار الإنجليزي أول متوسط الترم الثالث

b- -Ali wears a ( lovely , leather , black ) shoes .

4- choose the correct answer.
a- a place you can fly to places. ( airport – bus station – park)
b- Saudi men wear ( thobe- suit – tie ).
5-Write the missing letters.
1- mu…….eum 2- restaura……t.
6-write the correct word for each picture.


Read the text and answer the questions.
Write T or F at the end of each question/statement.
I like to go to the sports center.
I go there every weekend.
At the sports center, you can do many things.
For example, you can play golf or tennis.
There is a pool, so you can also swim or relax by the pool.
There is a beach next to the sports center.
You can swim, water-ski, or windsurf in the ocean.
You can also sail on windy days.
There aren’t any fish near the beach, so you can’t snorkel.
When I go to the sports center, I like to play volleyball on the beach.
I also like to jog on the beach.
I can’t swim well, so I don’t like to water-ski or windsurf.

1 – The writer likes the sports center – ( )
2 – You can swim in the pool or in the ocean – ( )
3 – People can windsurf in the pool – ( )
4 – You can’t use a boat in the ocean – ( )

تحميل نموذج اختبار مادة الإنجليزي للصف الأول متوسط الفصل الدراسي الثالث

نموذج اختبار الإنجليزي أول متوسط ف3 الفصل الثالث سبعة نماذج محلولة وقابلة للطباعة والتحميل والعرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

1 – He can’t surf, but he _ water-ski. a. can’t b. can c. not can d. don’t can 2 – Jill: Does she like to cook? Kate: No, .
a. she does b. she don’t c. she doesn’t d. doesn’t she
3 – I’d like a new laptop, but I can’t afford one. (buy)
a. to buy b. buy c. buy to d. bought
4 – I’m not going to buy jeans. ____
pants –
a. I buying b. I’m going to buy c. I’m going buying d. I going to buy
5 – He __ a big wedding.
a. is have b. having c. going to have d. is going to have

Write the gerund or infinitive of the verb in parentheses to fill in the blank.

1 – I’d like a new laptop, but I can’t afford one. (buy(
2 – Hameed enjoys ___
volleyball at the beach. (play)
3 – Amal spends her free time _____ books. (read)

Write the correct answer to fill in the blank.
1 – Mei: ___ you going buy a new dress? Lisa: No, I’m not.
2 – Ella: _ are you going to wear? Laura: A black skirt.
3 – Tim: Are they going to wear jackets? Harry: Yes, __.

اختبار الاستماع انجليزي أول متوسط ف3 بصيغة Word


Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.
1 – You can _ at the pool. a. swim b. surf c. rollerblade d. sail 2 – I sometimes my bike to work.
a. ride b. drive c. go d. get up
3 – Do you need to buy new ___
to play basketball.
a. suit b. shirt c. sneakers d. blouses
4 – It’s hot. Are you going to wear __?
a. jeans b. shorts c. coat d. jacket
5 – Women should wear a formal _______to a wedding.
a. tie b. suit c. thobe d. dress

Write the correct word under the picture.


Choose the correct letter.

You can go sho…..ping and meet friends. ( v – p – r)

You need warm clothes it’s …..old in Abha ( n – o – c)

نموذج اختبار الإنجليزي أول متوسط الفصل الثالث

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