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اختبار مادة Super Goal 3 ثالث متوسط الفصل الثالث

الاختبار النهائي النظري لمادة Super Goal 3 الفصل الثالث


تحميل Word

اختبار استماع نهائي Super Goal 3 الفصل الدراسي الثالث


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اختبار منتصف الفصل الثالث انجليزي ثالث متوسط ف3


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نموذج اختبار الإنجليزي ثالث متوسط ف3 الفصل الثالث سبعة نماذج محلولة وقابلة للتحميل والتعديل والطباعة والعرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير

نموذج اختبار الإنجليزي ثالث متوسط ف3


Read the text and answer the questions.

Write T or F at the end of each question/statement.
A strange thing happened yesterday.
Bob Hampton was in his car workshop with his guard dog, Pal.
and Bob was working on a car when a fire started in the workshop.
Bob and Pal ran outside to safety.
Bob tried to put the fire out.
He was spraying the workshop with water when he said, “I need help.” Pal ran away.

نموذج اختبار الإنجليزي ثالث متوسط ف3

Bob thought that Pal was hiding from the fire.
Bob kept spraying the fire with water. A little while later, Pal came back.
Behind him was the city fire department.
The firefighters were working nearby when Pal ran up to them.
The firefighters saw the smoke in the distance and followed Pal back to Bob.
Thanks to Pal, the firefighters put the fire out quickly.
Pal is now a hero. Bob and his family are very happy to have Pal.
They are going to give him a lot of extra treats!

1 – Bob was driving his car when the fire started ( )
2 – Pal brought help to Bob ( )
3 – Bob put the fire out ( )
4 – The firefighters were working nearby when Pal found them ( )

تحميل نماذج اختبارات مادة الإنجليزي للصف الثالث متوسط الترم الثالث


Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

1 – We were sitting in the café when a thief _ my bag. a. steal b. stole c. was stealing d. stolen 2 – I _ at the monument when someone called my name.
a. look b. looked c. am looking d. was looking
3 – I finished reading the book _ I was riding the bus. a. That b. where c. while d. Who 4 – Have you __ finished your homework –
a. already b. yet c. just d. already not
5 – He has ________books that he can hardly carry them.
a. so much b. much c. so many d. that many

Write who or which to fill in the blank.

1 – The clerk_____________________was at the store was very nice.
2 – The computer _____ I bought does not work well.
3 – The food _________ is in the refrigerator is old.

Complete the sentences with can’t or must.

1 – Badria couldn’t sleep last night. She________________be tired.
2 – Ahmed’s just joking. He _____________ be serious.
3 – You haven’t eaten all day. You ________ be hungry.

تحميل نموذج اختبار مادة الإنجليزي للصف الثالث متوسط الفصل الدراسي الثالث


Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

1 – That diamond is not real. It is ________.
a. thief b. give direction c. fake d. steal
2 – Some people are always ________. They don’t have time to talk and relax.
a. pretend b. in a hurry c. steal d. give direction
3 – You use a toothbrush and _________to brush your teeth. a. toothpaste b. hair dryer c. shampoo d. scissors 4 – You use ______________ to wash your hair.
a. hairbrush b. scissors c. shampoo d. toothpaste
5 – You look at yourself in the ________ when you brush your hair.
a. mirror b. shampoo c. toothpaste d. hair dryer

Write the correct word under the picture.

Choose the correct letter.
The people who live in the city are always in a hur….y ( c – r – k )
Have you taken the garbage o…t yet? ( e – h – u )

نموذج اختبار الإنجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الثالث

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