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عبر تطبيق دوافير 📲

تطبيق دوافير قوقل بلاي اندرويد
تطبيق دوافير ابل استور ايفون ايباد
تطبيق دوافير هواوي

ملخص الإنجليزي Mega Goal2-1 ثاني ثانوي الفصل الأول نظام المسارات

ملخص الإنجليزي 2ث ف1


ملخص الإنجليزي ثاني ثانوي ف1 مسار الحاسب

A: Circle the auxiliary verb in each sentence.
1- We are downloading an antivirus right now.
2- I do not check my email when I’m on vacation.
3- Online newspapers have become more popular than print newspapers.
4- Did you send her a message?
5- The Internet is used by millions of people each day.
6- My grandmother had never used the Internet before last week.
7- We have been online for a long time.

B: Write yes/no questions.
I’m shutting the computer down now. Are you shutting the computer down now?
1- He found lots of good resources for his essay online.
2- She usually turns her cell phone off before class.
3- She’s had that bicycle for a long time.
4- He’s not answering his phone.
5- She has posted photos on her website.
6- We’ve downloaded the program we were looking for.

Credit Card Thief Signs Own Name
Malaysia — Malaysian
police reported on Tuesday
that two armed robbers
stole a car, then hijacked
a security van with $1.3

مادة الإنجليزي Mega Goal2-1 ثاني ثانوي نظام المسارات

million inside. However,
the robbers encountered a
problem when they tried to
transfer the money to their
getaway car. The car the
robbers had stolen was a
compact car. It was so small
that it could not carry all of
the cash, and the robbers
were forced to abandon
more than half of it!

GRAYSON, California, USA —
An inmate who was just a day
away from being released from
jail fled the county prison on
Thursday, according to the
Grayson sheriff’s department.
When Bob Newton, 32, saw a gate
that had been opened for a truck,

ملخص مادة الانجليزي ثاني ثانوي مسارات الفصل الأول

he couldn’t resist the opportunity
to escape. Deputy Royjindar Singh
saw Newton run through the gate
and disappear into a cornfield.
Newton is being pursued by
a K-9 unit, a helicopter, police
deputies, and the California

Highway Patrol. Newton had been
serving a five-day sentence for
a misdemeanor reckless driving
charge. When caught, Newton
could now face up to a year in
state prison.

ROSARIO, Argentina —
A rgentine police didn’t have
much of a challenge finding a
man accused of using a stolen
credit card. The man used the
credit card, then signed his own
name on the receipts! The credit
card was reported stolen from an
unlocked apar tment last month.

ملخص الإنجليزي ثاني ثانوي ف1 مسار الحاسب

According to the police, Alfredo
Ramirez, 21, had used the credit
card to buy a cappuccino at a
coffee house and to buy milk
and cereal at a grocery store.

The next time he tried to use the
stolen card, it was declined and
seized. Ramirez has been charged
with three counts of unauthorized
use of a credit card.

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