توزيع مادة Mega goal2-1 ثاني ثانوي الفصل الأول الحاسب والهندسة
توزيع الإنجليزي 2ث ف1توزيع الانجليزي ثاني ثانوي ف1 مسار الحاسب
Self Reflection
Things that I liked about Unit 1: Things that I didn’t like very much:
Things that I found easy in Unit 1: Things that I found difficult in Unit 1:
Unit 1 Checklist
I can do this
very well.
I can do this
quite well.
I need to study
توزيع Mega Goal2-1 ثاني ثانوي فصل اول نظام المسارات
practice more.
ask for clarification and confirm
discuss using technology for communication
talk about personality characteristics
use the auxiliary verbs do, have, and be
use the comparative and superlative
talk about what needs to be done
use have/get something done
توزيع مادة الانجليزي ثاني ثانوي مسارات الفصل الأول
use past participles as adjectives
My five favorite new words from Unit 1:
If you’re still not sure about something
from Unit 1:
• read through the unit again
• listen to the audio material
• study the grammar and functions
from the unit again
• ask your teacher for help
توزيع منهج الانجليزي2-1 ثاني ثانوي ف1 مسار الحاسب
Crime Doesn’t Pay
1 Listen and Discuss
Discuss one or two famous crimes. Who was involved? What
happened? Where and when did it happen?
توزيع الانجليزي ثاني ثانوي ف1 مسار الحاسب والهندسة جميع التوازيع للطباعة والتحميل والعرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي
Read the newspaper headlines. Then read the newspaper articles
about foolish crimes. Which headline matches which article?
Discuss the articles. Which criminal do you think is the most
foolish? Why?