حل كتاب الانجليزي ثاني ثانوي Mega Goal2-1 نظام المسارات
حل-2-1-انجليزيالمواضيع ذات العلاقة
حل كتاب الطالب انجليزي ثاني ثانوي ف1 المسار العام
Grandma: What are you doing, Cara?
Cara: I’m texting Maria. I haven’t seen her all
week, so I’m just saying “hi.”
Grandma: What’s that beep?
Cara: It’s Maria. She just sent a text message back
to me.
Grandma: I don’t understand. How on earth do you type
what you want to say so quickly?
Cara: You don’t actually type the words out. You use
abbreviations and acronyms. Hold on. I’ll show
you. Right now I’m asking if she wants to come
over and hang out.
Grandma: That’s a lot to type.
Cara: Right. So instead I type “DYWT come ovr.”
Does that make sense?
Grandma: DYWT? What does that mean?
Cara: DYWT means “Do you want to.” It’s the first
letter of each word.
Grandma: Oh. OK. Now what?
Cara: She’ll respond in a second. (beep) There.
Grandma: What did she say?
Cara: (spelling it out) Gr8. B ovr n 10 mins.
Grandma: I think I get it. She’s saying, “Great. Be over
in ten minutes.”
Cara: Now you’ve got the hang of it, Grandma!
حل كتاب الطالب انجليزي ثاني ثانوي ف1 المسار العام
Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
What is the relationship between the speakers?
Are they friends, brothers, other?
How do you know?
Listen and practice the conversation in pairs.
Omar: You’d better have your eyes checked if you don’t want to get into serious trouble.
Imad: Yes, I know they feel all dry and puffy.
Omar: Have you been sleeping well?
Imad: As well as possible! I’ve been staying up trying to finish my project, and spending a lot of time in front of the computer.
Omar: Do you take breaks? You need to take a break every hour.
Imad: I’d never get to the end of it that way.
Omar: Well, you won’t have the eyesight you need to get to the end of it if you don’t have breaks! Another reason for taking breaks is to prevent damage to your back from endless hours of sitting at your desk.
Imad: But I’m young. Older people tend to have back problems.
Omar: You’re wrong there. People can cause themselves damage at any age.
What has saved you so far is the fact that you work out and do sports.
Imad: Yes, my parents have said the same thing!