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ملزمة أوراق عمل الإنجليزي ثاني ثانوي المسار العام

أوراق عمل الإنجليزي 2ث ف1


أوراق عمل الإنجليزي ثاني ثانوي مسارات ف1

ملزمة أوراق العمل محلولة وقابلة للتحميل والطباعة أو العرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي

اوراق عمل الوحدة الاولى Revision Worksheet

A. Underline the correct option.
1- She was tearful when she saw all the ( damaging – damage – damaged ) homes.
2- Trash was strewn throughout the school yard. It needs to be ( cleans – cleaning – cleaned )
3- Laila got her room ( painted – paint – painting ).
4- This question is the ( easy – easier – easiest ) of them all.
5- The weather today is ( bad – worse – worst ) than it was yesterday.
6- ( Have – Do – Are ) you still go to the gym every day?
7- Have you eaten dinner ? ( Yes , I am – yes , I do – yes , I have – yes , I did )
8- He is having ( repaired his car – his car repaired – repairing his car ).

B. Do as shown in parentheses.
1- They were hiking in the mountains . …………………………………………………….. (Write the main verb)
2- She doesn’t have enough money to buy that dress . ……………………………………. ( Write the auxiliary verb )
3- What do you do ? The ( first – second ) do is an auxiliary verb. ( choose )
4- He’s not working now ……………………………………………………… ( Write Yes/No Question )
5- closed / the / was / account / ? ……………………………………………. ( Unscramble the question )
6- Were you given a prize ? Yes , …………………………… ( Complete the short answer )
7- The radiator is leaking . It needs to be ( fix ). …………………………………… ( correct the verb )

أوراق عمل الإنجليزي ثاني ثانوي مسارات ف1

C. Choose the correct word .
1- Ali spent some time hanging ( up – out – on ) with his friends in the park.
2- A ( proverb – double ) is a common saying that states a general truth or gives advice.
3- ( Honesty – Laughter – Silence ) is the best medicine.
4- A ( straightforward – spontaneous ) person is honest , open and always tells the truth .
5- There has been significant changes in education ( on the contrary – due to ) technology .
6- The ( abbreviation – acronym ) of North is N.
7- Sarah ( encountered – trembled – enrolled ) her school principal at the mall .
8- Cara and Maria were ( crowded – inseparable – interpersonal ) friends .

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