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عبر تطبيق دوافير 📲

تطبيق دوافير قوقل بلاي اندرويد
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تطبيق دوافير هواوي

مادة الإنجليزي Mega Goal2-3 ثاني ثانوي المسار العام

الكتاب المدرسي
حل الكتاب
أوراق عمل
نموذج اختبار

مادة الإنجليزي2 ثاني ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثالث

من محتويات الكتاب

Unit 1 Laugh Out Loud
Unit 2 You Are What You Eat
Unit 3 Amazing Animals
Unit 4 What Would You Do?

Irregular Verbs
Audio Track List

Have you noticed how often people, who spend a long time sitting at a desk, complain about back pain?
When we’ve been sitting for a long time we are not conscious of our posture.
Slouching affects the position of our neck and spine and causes back pains or even headaches.
A small gadget that operates as a “slouch detector” comes to the rescue! The gadget monitors your neck and spinal position and buzzes, when the position is less than ideal!
All you need to do is clip the gadget onto your shirt.
However, you need to remember not to take any notice when the gadget buzzes for the wrong reason; for example when you lean over to answer the phone or get something from a drawer!
Do you think the slouch detector is worth buying? Would you use it?

An Australian biogeneticist and his team began developing a vitamin.
A enriched banana to combat the destructive effects of vitamin A deficiency in sub.
Saharan Africa.
The banana was chosen as it made up a lot of the children’s diet in the area, where about a third of the children under the age of 5 are at risk of going blind due to vitamin A deficiency.
Provided that this type of “super banana” can actually be cultivated locally, and consumed by a substantial number of people, this type of food re.engineering might be extended to a wider range of products around the world.
What do you think?
Is intervening and reengineering crops a good idea?

مادة الإنجليزي2 ثاني ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثالث

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