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كتاب Mega Goal2-3 ثاني ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثالث


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كتاب الإنجليزي 2-3 ثاني ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثالث

من محتويات الكتاب

Work in pairs/groups

What do you know about dolphins?
What would you like to find out about them?

Read the text and find out about the origin of dolphins types of dolphins and their eating habits the bottlenose dolphin special abilities dolphins have their relationship with people

Read the text again and identify the topic of each paragraph find out if you can re-order paragraphs decide if you like the way the text begins and ends

Did the text answer any of your questions? Which?

If you had the opportunity to edit or rewrite the text, what would you change?

All About Dolphins

Dolphins are marine mammals that are claimed to have evolved from land mammals some 50 or 60 million years ago!
Studies indicate that they are closely related to hippos, camels, and cows!
There has been an unending debate on the exact origin of dolphins and whales that is likely to continue for years to come.

There are 32 types of dolphins that live in salt water.
Dolphins eat about 20 to 25 kilos of fish per day.
Their eating habits vary depending on the area and the time of year.
If there is an abundance of fish, they will happily consume as much as they need.
Interestingly, dolphins regulate their food intake according to the fat content of the fish available, and their hunger! In this sense, they can probably control their food intake more efficiently than humans!
Did you also know that their brains weigh more than ours?

Dolphins can

recognize themselves in a mirror
scan objects in the water using sonar
sleep with one eye closed
whistle and recognize each other by their whistles
go to a depth of about 260 meters
There is mutual interest between dolphins and people.
They are as interested in observing us as we are in them.
Dolphins love having fun, communicating, and playing.
They are also keen on helping and supporting their own kind and other species that are in danger.

The bottlenose dolphin is the most studied and familiar to people, with a life expectancy of about 40 to 50 years.
Bottlenose dolphins show an extraordinary connection with humans and have rescued injured divers repeatedly.
These wonderful creatures deserve our admiration and respect and need to be protected.

كتاب الإنجليزي 2-3 ثاني ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثالث

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