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نماذج اختبارات الإنجليزي للصف الخامس الابتدائي الفصل الأول

الاختبار النهائي لمادة الإنجليزي صف خامس ف1

اختبار الإنجليزي تحريري نهائي 5 ف1

تحميل ملف الوورد

اختبار استماع Top Goal1 للصف الخامس الابتدائي ف1

اختبار الإنجليزي استماع نهائي 5 ف1

تحميل ملف الوورد

نموذج اختبار الفترة لمادة الانجليزي صف خامس ابتدائي ف1

اختبار انجليزي 6 فترة ف1

تحميل ملف الوورد

اختبار انجليزي خامس ابتدائي ف1 الفصل الاول اختبارات تحريرية ونماذج اختبارات شفوية قابلة للطباعة والتحميل والعرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير

and helpful! How often do we go to the park? In the summer, we go to the park! We sometimes think the park is and the soccer balls are, too! My and uncle are in the photo, too. My Aunty Ashley is very
and she’s talking to a woman. My Uncle Jeff is sitting in a little boat fishing, but it’s not his. I think it’s a friend’s boat. My sister is sitting behind my grandpa. She’s reading a book. She’s not very chatty and a bit
My granny is with my little sister, her youngest
You can see me in the photo. I’m eating ice cream. All my is in the photo, and I love it!

Read and complete with the words in the box.
dressed and then I eat breakfast.
the bus to school at 8 o’clock.
On the bus, I read my comic
In the afternoon, I collect in the garden.
Before I go to bed, I take out the
Look and complete.

Read and circle the correct option.
My grandma makes / is making chocolate cake on weekends.
Ahmed reads / is reading a book now.
What time do you do / are you doing your homework every day?
My mom isn’t working / doesn’t work in the afternoon.
They aren’t getting dressed / don’t get dressed now.

حلول اختبار انجليزي خامس ابتدائي ف1 الفصل الاول

Reorder the words to make questions.
Read and complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
Aisha: What do you do on weekends?
Nouf: I (1) my grandparents. I help them (2) their car and
their bed. Do you help your grandparents?
Aisha: Yes. I (4) their animals and cut the (5) in their garden.

Nouf: What is your grandma (6) now?
Aisha: Now she is (7) a book.
Nouf: My grandparents are (8) TV now.
Aisha: My grandma (9) cookies for me on Saturdays.
Nouf: That’s nice—(10) I visit your grandparents with you?
Aisha: Yes, Nouf, of course!

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