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نماذج اختبارات الإنجليزي للصف الثالث ثانوي الفصل الثاني

الاختبار النهائي Mega Goal3 ثالث ثانوي المسار العام

اختبار نظري نهائي إنجليزي 3ث ف2

تحميل ملف الوورد

نموذج اختبار الاستماع إنجليزي ثالث ثانوي المسار العام

اختبار استماع نهائي إنجليزي 3ث ف2

تحميل ملف الوورد

اختبار منتصف الفصل الثاني لمادة الإنجليزي ثالث ثانوي المسار العام

اختبار الفترة الإنجليزي 3ث ف2

تحميل ملف الوورد

اختبار إنجليزي ثالث ثانوي مسارات ف2 نماذج اختبارات نهائية تحريري وشفوي قابلة للطباعة والتحميل والعرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي

اختبار إنجليزي ثالث ثانوي مسارات ف2

     Monica and Mike had a good time last weekend. They went to visit their Aunt Angelina and Uncle John they live in a village in the mountains. The kids like visiting them because there is good fun. Their Uncle works at home, he is a carpenter, and Aunt Angelina is a chef and, she has a small café next to the bus station, she is famous for her delicious cupcakes.  When they arrived at the bus station ,

اختبار إنجليزي ثالث ثانوي مسارات ف2

they went to the cafeteria.  Aunt Angelina welcomed them with sweet coffee and delicious cupcakes.  Monica and Mike helped her. Then John took the kids home. After lunch, they went to the club and played tennis with Uncle John. At five o’clock, they had tea, sandwiches and some cupcakes made by Aunt Angelina. In the evening Angelina, John and the kids went downtown to the cinema to see Monsters’ University and they ate burgers and chips.

اختبار شفوي انجليزي ثالث ثانوي ف2

The meaning of ( tasty ) is delicious.
The kids had some cookies made by Angelina at seven o’clock.
Their Aunt Angelina is a chef.
They went to hospital after lunch.
In line ( 3 ), she refers to Monica.
The best title for the passage is: A Good Weekend.

اختبار نهائي انجليزي ثالث ثانوي مسارات ف2

The meaning of ( large ) is big.
Sugar and Milk are added to Arabic Coffee.
The host serving the coffee fills the largest cup only half full.
In line ( ) he refers to the guest.
It can be served anytime at home, at social gatherings or business meetings.
The guest gently jiggles the cup indicating he has not had enough.

Listen carefully then Put (T) Or (F):
They have different accents and
They have been painting since they were fives
Both Jenna and Alicia are studying pre-law
They planned to study teaching
They have the same recurring dream.5

تحميل اختبار انجليزي ثالث ثانوي مع الحلول pdf

The meaning of ( large ) is big.
Sugar and Milk are added to Arabic Coffee.
The host serving the coffee fills the largest cup only half full.
In line ( ) he refers to the guest.
It can be served anytime at home, at social gatherings or business meetings.
Both Jenna and Alicia are studying pre-law
They have different accents and mannerisms
They have been painting since they were fives
The guest gently jiggles the cup indicating he has not had enough.
They planned to study teaching
They have the same recurring dream

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