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تطبيق دوافير هواوي

نماذج اختبارات Mega Goal 1-1 أول ثانوي مسارات

اختبار مادة الإنجليزي النهائي للصف الأول ثانوي الفصل الأول

اختبار نهائي انجليزي 1ث تحريري ف1

تحميل ملف الوورد

نموذج اختبار الاستماع Mega Goal 1-1

اختبار نهائي انجليزي 1ث استماع ف1

تحميل ملف الوورد

اختبار منتصف الفصل الأول لمادة الإنجليزي صف أول ثانوي

اختبار انجليزي 1ث فترة ف1

تحميل ملف الوورد

اختبار انجليزي اول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الاول نموذجين تحريري محلولة وأخرى استماع طباعة وتحميل وعرض مباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي

اختبار انجليزي اول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الاول


Read the following passage then answer the questions:

King Abdul-Aziz, a gifted leader and dedicated warrior for the cause of Islam, was responsible for the legendary event that marked the beginning of modern Saudi Arabia.
In 1902, he regained Riyadh, beat the city garrison, took the Masmak Fortress, and established his headquarters in the city. He expanded Saudi Arabia to include all of the Hijaz, Makkah and Madinah and united all the tribes into one nation. On September 23, 1932, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was officially established ,as a unified Islamic state, with Arabic as the national language and the Holy Qur’an as its constitution.

Answer the following questions

Who is the passage talking about?
What did King Abdul-Aziz expand Saudi Arabia to include?
When was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia officially established?
Was King Abdul-Aziz responsible for the legendary event that marked the beginning of modern Saudi Arabia?

Put (t) or (f):

Arabic is the national language in Saudi Arabia.
King Abdul-Aziz regained Riyadh in 1908.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established as a unified Islamic state.
The Holy Qur’an id the Kingdom’s constitution.

He regained Riyadh, beat the city garrison, took the Masmak ———–.
———— is the Kingdom’s national language.

Choose the correct answer:
King Abdulaziz a gifted [ teacher / leader / doctor ]
Line 3: the underlined word (he) refers to: (Riyadh – King AbdulAziz – Arabic)

Guided Composition

You want to buy a new car. There are many advertisements about cars.
Write a paragraph about: “Your Dream Car”
You may use the Guiding words:
(cars – shape – size – cost – speed – options – …)

Free Composition

Choose one topic from the following to write about.
Write an email to STC asking for a job. Present your Education, Experience, Skills…
Write a paragraph about: “Your Dream Intelligent Home”.

Guided Composition

When I think about my dream car, it’s not just a mode of transportation; it’s a piece of art on wheels. I’ve always been fascinated by cars, their shapes, sizes, and the thrill of the open road. My dream car is a sleek, stylish, and powerful machine. It combines elegance and functionality seamlessly. Of course, the cost is a factor, but it’s not just about speed and options. It’s about the feeling I get when I sit in the driver’s seat and the joy of the journey ahead. My dream car is more than just a vehicle; it’s a symbol of my passion for the road.

Free Composition

Your Dream Intelligent Home

In my vision of a dream intelligent home, technology seamlessly integrates with daily life to make it more convenient and efficient. The home is equipped with smart systems that can be controlled through a central hub or a smartphone app. It adapts to my preferences, adjusting lighting, temperature, and even the ambiance to suit my mood. It’s energy-efficient, reducing waste and lowering utility bills. Security is top-notch, with cameras, sensors, and alarms providing peace of mind. The house even has an AI assistant that can manage daily tasks and provide information at my command. It’s a home that not only meets my needs but anticipates them, creating a perfect blend of comfort and innovation.


Choose the correct answer:
The water (boiling – boils – is boiling). Please turn it off.
The moon (go – goes – is going) around the earth.
I am good at (using – used – uses) computers.
Saeed (played – plays – has been playing) football since he was ten.
Computers (perform – will perform – performs) many functions in the future.
The suitcase was (developed – develops – developing) in the Netherlands.

Do as shown between brackets

He (live) with his uncle until he can find his own place. (Correct the verb)
I’m not interested ——- working in the computer industry. (Insert a preposition)
How long have you been (play) football? (Correct the verb)
Machines are going to control us. (Make Negative)
Ali is tall. Hassan is tall. (Comparative)
People will drive smaller cars. (Make Passive)


تحميل اختبار انجليزي أول ثانوي

Match to form new words or expressions
launch —- a. come together
fast food —- b. send into space
gather —- c. restaurant
By the way —- d. Used to say “Yes”.
day after day —- e. Introduce new topic.
Certainly —- f. Following the same pattern

Hey Jinan. _ lessons has she explained? Sara: I guess 6.
This is the shirt _ I bought yesterday.
When _ they watch the movie?
The food will _ by my mother soon.
The store won’t close soon, _ .
Bader: _ bag did you buy? Ali : the black one
He is interested _ reading novels.
This coffee is hot _ . I can drink it

My grandparents visited us last night.
My grandparents __ last night.

Put the word in a correct Comparative form
Water is _ (healthy) than soda. Everybody knows that.

Make a Question about the underlined
They will go (to Dubai) tomorrow morning
_ will they go tomorrow morning?

اختبار انجليزي اول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الاول نموذجين تحريري محلولة وأخرى استماع طباعة وتحميل وعرض مباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي

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