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تطبيق دوافير قوقل بلاي اندرويد
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كتاب Mega Goal1.2 مرحلة الثانوية مسارات

ك إنجليزي 10 ف2 45

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As you drive along a busy road, you notice
كتاب Mega Goal1.2 مرحلة الثانوية مسارات
a car without a driver! You blink to clear your
eyes, and wonder whether you’re losing your
mind! It’s the driverless car; a robotic vehicle
that can travel to a predetermined destination
without human intervention. All you would need
to do is sit in the car and enjoy the ride! Would
you do it? Would you travel in a driverless car?
Is it science fiction or reality?
They are very real and highly popular in
entertainment, but they are also used in
education. They are used by many colleges
and institutions for educational purposes. Many
businesses and industries use them to train
their employees and executives. They are used
for military
strategy and
flight training.
train on
them for a
long time
before they
participate in
real missions.
Can you guess what they are? What is your
opinion about them?
You are spending
the night in the
desert. Everyone
else is sound
asleep but you
are still awake,
enjoying the
starlit sky. It’s a
cold but peaceful
night. None of the usual city sounds echo in the
background. So you snuggle in your sleeping
bag and close your eyes. All of a sudden you are
startled by a high pitched sound! Someone or
something is whistling! You sit up, look around
but don’t see anyone. Then you hear the sound
again, along with a soft patter of something
landing in the sand. What do you think it is? Is it
a dream or reality

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