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نماذج اختبارات الإنجليزي للصف الأول ثانوي الفصل الثاني

الاختبار النهائي لمادة Mega Goal1-2

اختبار الإنجليزي نهائي نظري 1ث ف2

تحميل ملف الوورد

اختبار الاستماع لمادة الإنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثاني

اختبار استماع إنجليزي 1ث ف2

تحميل ملف الوورد

اختبار منتصف الفصل الثاني إنجليزي أول ثانوي مسارات

اختبار الفترة إنجليزي 1ث ف2

تحميل ملف الوورد

اختبار الإنجليزي أول ثانوي ف2 Mega Goal1-2 نماذج اختبارات محلولة وقابلة للتعديل والطباعة والتحميل والعرض المباشر PDF على موقع دوافير التعليمي

اختبار الإنجليزي أول ثانوي ف2

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education
Secondary School
Taif (A)
English Language
Mega Goal 1.2
1st Secondary Grade, 1443-1444 Quiz 1, 2nd Term

Mega Goal1-2 exam

Read the following passage to answer the questions:
Our Room
My name is Tony, and they are my two siblings Ana and George. We are in our room. My hair is black, but Ana and George are very different. His hair is brown and her hair is yellow. He is a brunette. She is a blonde.
This is our room. It isn’t clean and organized. It is very messy and dirty. There are three beds and bedside tables but their beds aren’t in the photo. There is a while frunk with our toys, and there is a lamp and alarm clock on my table.
On the walls, there are two pictures, one poster of a purple monster and one of our cat. Its name is Mr. Whiskers, it is 10 years old and it is a very nice cat. Its hair is soft and yellow and its teeth are very big.
Our toys are in the big, white trunk, but Ana prefers coloring pencils. Her pencils are on the floor.
George loves his boat; his boat is yellow and big. My favorite toys are my teddy bear. on the bed and my mystery books. Our room is our favorite place.
A. Put (T) for true sentences and (F) for false ones: 1. Tony’s hair is black.

حلول اختبار الإنجليزي أول ثانوي ف2

George is a brunette.

Their room is very messy and not organized. 4. There are two pictures on the wall.


His teddy bear’s name is Mr. Whiskers.

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