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حل كتاب الإنجليزي super goal1 اول متوسط ف2

What’s your best friend’s name?

How are you today? Listeningrning,
Carlos: Are you Rick Morgan?

Rick: Yes.
Carlos: Hi. I’m Carlos Rodriguez. I’m from your company.
Rick: Nice to meet you, Carlos.
Carlos: Nice to meet you, too. Welcome to Spain.
Rick: Thank you.
Carlos: So, is this your first time here?
Rick: Yes. I’m very excited.
Carlos: All our colleagues are at the restaurant, and a big meal
is ready for you.
Rick: Great. I’m starving. The food on planes is terrible.
Your Turn
You are meeting a stranger at the airport.
Make up a conversation with a classmate.
A: Are you (Mr. / Mrs. / Dr.) __?
B: Yes.

How do you spell your first name?

Writing Corner
1 one 1st first 9 nine 9th ninth 17 seventeen 17th seventeenth
2 two 2nd second 10 ten 10th tenth 18 eighteen 18th eighteenth
3 three 3rd third 11 eleven 11th eleventh 19 nineteen 19th
4 four 4th fourth 12 twelve 12th twelfth 20 twenty 20th
5 five 5th fifth 13 thirteen 13th thirteenth 21 twenty-one 21st
6 six 6th sixth 14 fourteen 14th fourteenth 22 twenty-two 22nd
7 seven 7th seventh 15 fifteen 15th fifteenth 23 twenty-three
23rd twenty-third
8 eight 8th eighth 16 sixteen 16th sixteenth 24 twenty-four
24th twenty-fourth
30 thirty 30th thirtieth 60 sixty 60th sixtieth 90 ninety 90th ninetieth
40 forty 40th fortieth 70 seventy 70th seventieth 100 one hundred
100th one hundredth
50 fifty 50th fiftieth 80 eighty 80th eightieth 1,000 one thousand 1,

How do you spell your last name?

Sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period.
She is a new student. Her name is Farah.

There is a question mark at the end of a question.
Is she a new student? What is her name?

For questions with the verb be, the subject and the verb
change places.
Question Answer
Where is Farah from? Farah is from Dammam.
Are you a new student? Yes. I’m a new student.
B. Write questions for the answers in the chart. Then, work with
a partner to ask and answer
the questions. Write your partner’s answers below the examples

What do your friends call you?

Question Words: What, When, How old
Use What to find information about specific days, dates and times.
What is the date tomorrow? It’s January 20th. (it’s = it + is)
What day is your visit to the museum? Our visit is on Thursday.
Use When to find general or specific information about days, weeks,
months and seasons.
When is your vacation? Our vacation is in May.
When are their football matches? Their matches are in the winter.
Use How old to ask the age of a person or an object.
How old are you? I’m fifteen.
How old is the building? It is 150 years old.
Prepositions: In, On with Dates
Use different prepositions when talking about months and seasons
compared to days. Use in with months,
seasons and years. Use on with dates and days of the week. Use on
to talk about things you do regularly (every
week or month).

What’s your teacher’s name?

Remember to use what to ask questions about times and days, and
when for months and seasons.
What day do you play football? On Mondays.

What day is your final test? Our final test is on September 21st.
When is your final test? Our final test is in September.
When do they have English classes? Their English classes are

on Monday and Wednesday.
When is our vacation? Our vacation is in the winter.
A. Complete the sentences. Use number words.
December is the twelfth month of the year.

    C. Work in pairs to ask each other
    the dates of important national
    days in Saudi Arabia.
    A: When is …?
    B: It is on

    حل كتاب الإنجليزي super goal1 اول متوسط ف2

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