💫كل شيء يحتاجه المعلم والطالب مجاناً✨

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حل كتاب النشاط الانجليزي super goal1 للصف الأول متوسط الفصل الثاني


المواضيع ذات العلاقة

كتاب الطالب
حل كتاب الطالب

حل كتاب النشاط انجليزي اول متوسط ف2

Work with a partner. Ask and answer.
Use your own information and
the information on the right.

A: What’s your telephone number?
B: It’s 474-6893.
A: What’s the area code?
B: It’s 305.
A: What’s the country code?
B: It’s 1.

A: What’s your address?
B: It’s 219 King Street.
A: What’s your email address?
B: It’s mike_jones@worldnet.com.

A: What’s his/her telephone number?
B: It’s ___.
A: What’s his/her address?
B: It’s ___.
5 Listening
Listen. Mark the correct answer.

a. country code 13
b. country code 30
International Telephone Codes
Country Country Code
Australia 61
China 86
Egypt 20
Germany 49
India 91
Mexico 52
Saudi Arabia 966
Spain 34
U.S.A. 1
Charles Chen
56 Maple Road
Vancouver, Canada
(604) 943-2805
Linda Chapman
897 Willow Drive
Los Angeles, CA
Cell phone: (213) 548-7691
Email: linda@web.com
SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2022.indb 29 13/4/22 6:25 P
About the Conversation

Is he a student? 4. What’s his nationality?
Your Turn
Role-play conversations like the
one above. Use different countries.
7 About You

The Land of the
Midnight Sun
The main city of Lapland is Rovaniemi. It’s a
famous town in the north of Finland. In the
Arctic, people see beautiful skies. The darkest
time of the year is on December 21st. There is
no sunlight from October.
The sun comes out again on March 21st. The
Arctic has light all day for the whole summer.
This is called the midnight sun.
My name is Hannun, and I’m from Lapland. Lapland is a region in Finland near the
Arctic Circle. It’s very cold, and from December to January, it’s dark most of the
time. I live here with my family and my reindeer.

A. Read the information in the Writing Corner with your teacher. Then, work with a partner to
ask and answer the questions with the information given.

What is your email address? My email address is a.friend@mail.sa.
Writing Corner

Street names begin with a capital letter.
His address is 194 Tower Road.

Put the area code for a telephone number in parentheses. Put a dash after three numbers.
Say each number one at a time. For the number 0, we say zero or oh.
(555) 920-1433 Say: five, five, five, nine, two, oh, one, four, three, three.

Email addresses usually don’t have capital letters. After the name, we say at and write the
symbol @. After the server we say dot and write a period.
myname@server.com Say: my name at server dot com.
b.smith@mail.ca Say: B dot Smith at mail dot C A.
B. Complete the student information form with your information. Make two more information
forms. Ask two classmates questions and complete the forms with their information.
Check that the information is correct. Repeat the information to your classmate or ask: “Can
you repeat that, please? Make a new student information form for your teacher with: your name, home address,
telephone number, cell phone number, and email address. Your teacher can make a class
10 Project
In a group, make a poster with the following information about your country: capital, population,
language(s), main cities, and places of interest

Form, Meaning and Function
Requests and Offers: Can / Will
Use can or will for requests.
Request Agree Refuse
Will you help me? Sure. Sorry. I’m busy.
Will you be my partner? Of course. Sorry. I can’t.
Can you open the window? OK.
Can you give me a pencil? No problem.
Use can or will for offers.
Offer Accept Refuse
I can help you. Thank you. No thanks.
I will be your partner. All right. No, that’s all right.
I will open the window. OK. No, that’s OK.
I can give you a pencil. Thanks.
Be polite. Say please, thank you, and you’re welcome.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Can you open the
window, please?
A. Write polite requests with can and will.
Help me.
Can you help me, please? / Will you help me, please?

Give me your email address.

Write your telephone number.

Tell me the country code for Saudi Arabia.

Spell your name.

Repeat that.
B. Practice the requests and offers with a partner. Your partner agrees, accepts, or refuses. Then change roles.
Remember to be p

حل كتاب النشاط انجليزي اول متوسط ف2

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