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حلول كتاب النشاط super goal1 أول متوسط الفصل الثاني

حل كتاب التمارين إنجليزي 1م ف2

المواضيع ذات العلاقة

كتاب الطالب
كتاب الطالب

حل كتاب النشاط لمادة الإنجليزي أول متوسط ف2

What’s your telephone number?
What’s the area code?
What’s the country code?
What’s your address?
What’s your email address?
What’s his/her telephone number?
What’s his/her address?
What is the country code for Australia?
What is the country code for China?
What is the country code for Egypt?
What is the country code for Germany?
What is the country code for India?

حل كتاب النشاط لمادة الإنجليزي أول متوسط ف2 الفصل الثاني

What is the country code for Mexico?
What is the country code for Saudi Arabia?
What is the country code for Spain?
What is the country code for the U.S.A.?
What’s Charles Chen’s address?
What’s Charles Chen’s email address?
What’s Linda Chapman’s cell phone number?
What’s Linda Chapman’s email address?
Is he a student?
What’s his nationality?
What is the main city of Lapland?
What is Lapland famous for?
When is the darkest time of the year in Lapland?
When does the sun come out again in Lapland?
What is the midnight sun?
What’s your email address?
What does a street name begin with?
How do you write an area code for a telephone number?
What do you say for the number 0?

حلول كتاب التمارين لمادة الإنجليزي أول متوسط الفصل الثاني

How do you pronounce an email address?
What does “@” mean in an email address?
What does “dot” mean in an email address?
What is your home address?
What is your cell phone number?
What is your teacher’s name?
What are the main cities in your country?
What are the places of interest in your country?
What is the capital of your country?
What is the population of your country?
What languages are spoken in your country?

work book super goal1

Will you help me?
Can you open the window?
Can you give me a pencil?
Will you be my partner?
Can you help me, please?
Will you help me, please?
Can you give me your email address, please?
Will you write your telephone number, please?
Can you tell me the country code for Saudi Arabia?
Can you spell your name, please?
Can you repeat that, please?

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