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مراجعة الانجليزي Super Goal1 للصف الاول المتوسط الفصل الثاني


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ملخص الانجليزي اول متوسط ف2

من محتويات الملف

A. Choose the correct answer.
1-( Is – Am – Are )there curtains in the kitchen?
2-There ( is – are – am )trees in the yard.
3-There( is not – are not – am not ) any flowers in the dining room.
4-We read ( or – and – but ) write in class.
5-Do you write with a pencil (or – and – but )a pen?

مراجعة مادة الانجليزي أول متوسط الفصل الثاني

ملخص الانجليزي اول متوسط ف2
ملخص الانجليزي اول متوسط ف2

B. Do as shown between brackets.
a- there are a Tv in the living room. ………is………
b- would you like coffee and tea? ………or……
2-make a question then answer.
a-There is a desk in the bedroom.
Is there a desk in the bedroom? – yes , there is
3-Use ( but )
I can speak English. I can’t speak French I can speak English ,but I can’t speak French.
4-Choose the correct answer.
1-the rug is ( under – on ) the table.
2-the boy is ( behind – in front of ) the sofa.
3-the cat is ( in – on ) the box.

A. Choose the correct answer.
1-We live ( in – on – for )the twelfth floor.
2-Sami is ( smart – smarter – smartest ).
3-. Ali lives ( in – on – from ) Jeddah.
4-Healthy food is( good – better – best ) than fast food.
5-Ahmad is the ( tall – taller – tallest ) student in the class.
Hameed has had the same TV _ 15 years. Hameed has had the same TV _ 15 years.

تحميل ملخص الانجليزي اول متوسط ف2

B. Do as shown between brackets.
a-I live in Main Street ……on……..……
b-Summer is the hotter time of the year. ………hottest…………
c-The park is beautiful in the spring than in the winter more beautiful
2-add -er
1-big bigger 2- cute cuter. 3- old older 4-cold colder
3-add -est
1-1-easy easiest 2-fast fastest 3-hot hottest 4-small smallest
4-Choose the correct answer.
1-The mouse is ( under – far from )the table.
2-the fox is (between – next to )the tree.

A. Choose the correct answer.
1-I am (study – studied – studying) now.
2-Are you( play – playing – plays ) football tonight?
3-what is Ahmad ( doing – do – does) ?
4-What would she like to(watching – watches – watch) ?
5-would you l( like – likes – liked) fries?

B. Do as shown between brackets.
A-I’d like to reading a magazine. ……read………….
B-She’s work at a hospital………working….
C-When would you like to goes? ………go……
D- Are they drinks coffee?….drinking……………
2-make (yes or No question) .
A-She is listening to her cell phone.
Is she listening to her cell phone?
B-Omar is reading the newspaper.
Is Omar (he ) reading the newspaper?
A- We – eating – are – pizza .
We are eating pizza.

تلخيص الانجليزي أول متوسط الفصل الثاني

a-choose the correct answer.
1-Amal is a teacher. ( I – They -She) is teaching her class.
2-My brother is a student. ( He- We – You) is studying.
3-What’s up ? Means ( What’s your name? – what happening? ).
b. Complete the missing letters.
Gene_r_ation Teena_g_er Weat_h_er.

A. Choose the correct answer.
working ) in a restaurant. – work –I ( works -1
doing ) Adel do? –do – doesWhat (-2 plays) for a volleyball team. –playing -playThey ( -3 ) a bus.drives-driving –He’s a bus driver. He ( drive -4 too) she’s studying law at university. -because – soShe wants to be a lawyer,( -5

B. Do as shown between brackets.
(Correct) -1
.………because……he likes to build houses soHe wants to be a carpenter -a ………paints……pictures painte Sh-b do…….?…….. doingWhat does Yahya -c …………takes………photos takeAmal -d
a- you \ Why \ learn English \ do \ ? English?why do you learn
b-does \ she \ What \ do \ ? What does she do ?

a )teacher –Fahd works at a school. He’s a ( driver -1 nurse ) -tech designer-highshe’s a (My sister designs computer games. -2 ) doctor -(reporter Omar’s brother works in a hospital. He’s a-3
b. Write the coorcet word under each picture.

A. Choose the correct answer.
) work in school. don’t –doesn’t –t oI ( am n-1 isn’t) have passports. – don’t –Hani and his cousin (doesn’t -2 is ) a red backpack. – has-Faisal ( have -3 drinking ) coffee every day . – drinks –Sami ( drink -4 frighten ) films on TV. – frightening-I don’t like to watch ( frightened -5 depress ) about the news. –depressing -depressedShe is really (-6
B. Do as shown between brackets.
( Correct)-1
speak English. speaksAhmad doesn’t -a haslong hair have Reema -b brushes his teeth twice a day brushAli -c
2-(Write the words in the correct order to make sentences)
a-Football / a very / exciting / sport / is Football is a very exciting sport.
b-laptop / new / has / Omar / a Omar has a new laptop.
C- Math / quite /a difficult / is / subject.
Math is quite a difficult subject

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