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تطبيق دوافير قوقل بلاي اندرويد
تطبيق دوافير ابل استور ايفون ايباد
تطبيق دوافير هواوي

حل كتاب النشاط الإنجليزي Mega Goal 1.3 الثانوية مسارات


حل كتاب النشاط إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث

من محتويات الكتاب :
UNIT 1 You’ve Got Mail
UNIT 2 Wishful Thinking
UNIT 3 Complaints, Complaints
UNIT 4 I Wonder What Happened
UNIT 5 If It Hadn’t Happened
UNIT 6 What They Said
Match the sentence parts.
1. He was so sick a. we had to wait in line for an hour.
2. The food was so good b. I wanted to shake hands with everyone.
3. There were so few people c. we almost didn’t make our flight.
4. We had so little time d. we all sat in the front row at the conference.
5. They were so busy e. we had to cover our ears.
6. The noise was so loud f. I ate too much.

حل كتاب النشاط الإنجليزي Mega Goal1.3 الثانوية مسارات

Look at the highlighted phrasal verbs in the dialogues
and match them with their meanings a-e.
get over
take away
run out of
be booked up
hang on
Grammar Reference p. 72
D. not have any left
E. become better e.g. after an illness
F. wait
G. make something disappear
H. have no time available
Does Salman have toothache?
D. No 0ohammad has toothache.
E. No he has a sore throat.
Did Andy go to the bank?
D. No Sam went to the bank.
E. No he went to the chemistis.
Are you seeing the dentist on 0onday?
my mum is seeing the dentist on 0onday.
Iim seeing the dentist on Tuesday
1a: How are you feeling
1b: When in danger
1c: A word of advice
1d: In the news
1e: That’s not funny
Module 2: Time out
2a: Feeling sporty
2b: Thrills and spills
2c: Hot spots
2d: It’s showtime
2e: Food for thought
Module 3: Good job
3a: Need some cash
3b: Job satisfaction
3c: A successful CV
3d: I quit
3e: Sign up
Module 4: Diversity
4a: Not my cup of tea
4b: Cultural differences
4c: Cultural differences
4d: Way of life
4e: Let’s celebrate
Work in small groups. Think of a show or make one up. Think of things to say about it and advertise it to your
classmates. Use the questions beLow
C. Read again and write DA for the Dubai Airshow or HG for the Harlem Globetrotters
Read the texts and check your answers in activity A

حل كتاب النشاط إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث

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