ملخص مادة الإنجليزي Mega Goal1-3 أول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثالث
أولاً قاموس المفردات ومراجعة عامة
ملخص-انجليزي-1ث-ف3ثانياً مراجعة نهائية شاملة كل المقرر
Final-Revision-Mega-Goal-2-Third-termملخص مادة الإنجليزي أول ثانوي مسارات ف3
Mega Goal 1.3 is a book of English language for first grade secondary students in the tracks system in Saudi Arabia. The book contains four units that cover different topics such as complaints, questions, guesses and quotes.
The book aims to develop students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as enhancing their values and culture12.
Unit 1: Complaints, Complaints: Students learn how to express complaints and listen to and respond to others’ complaints in a polite and appropriate way. The unit also covers vocabulary and grammar related to complaints1.
Unit 2: I Wonder What Happened: Students use questions to think about the causes and consequences of different incidents. The unit also includes vocabulary and grammar related to questions1.
Unit 3: If It Hadn’t Happened: Students develop their ability to guess and speculate about what would have happened if something had not happened. The unit also covers vocabulary and grammar related to third conditional sentences1.
Unit 4: What They Said: Students are provided with the skills needed to quote from the words and opinions of famous personalities or other texts. The unit also explains vocabulary and grammar related to direct and indirect speech1.
ملخص مادة الإنجليزي Mega Goal1-3 أول ثانوي مسارات ف3
After Reading
1- asset b- a useful or valuable quality, skill or person
2- sustainable f- lasting, not destroying natural resources
3- upgraded c- replaced by newer, better procedures, equipment, etc-
4- dynamic d- always active, changing, developing
5- urban i- of or relating to cities or towns
6- rural a- of or relating to the country
7- remote h- far away
8- streamlined g- made simpler, more effective and productive
9- enterprise e- a business organization
As for (me) = an expression used to introduce a new subject/topic
breathing down someone’s neck = constantly checking
go out into the world = start to be on one’s own and independent
have one’s mind set on something = be firmly decided
You mean = an expression used to confirm what someone else has said