عرض بوربوينت Mega Goal1.3 اول ثانوي الفصل الثالث
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عروض باوربوينت لدروس الإنجليزي أول ثانوي ف3
من محتويات الملفات
Unit 1 Complaints, Complaints
Listen and Discuss
Read the consumer complaints. Find one sentence in each picture that is a complaint and underline it.
Unit 2 I Wonder What Happened
Listen and Discuss
Look at the pictures and write words for some of the things
and actions you see in each picture.
Match the sentences below with the pictures.
عروض باوربوينت لدروس الإنجليزي أول ثانوي ف3
Unit 3 If It Hadn’t Happened
Listen and Discuss
Look at the pictures and write as many words as you can think of for each.
Read each paragraph and underline the words that name something in the
Unit 4 What They Said
Listen and Discuss
Read what each person said and how it is reported.
Examine the differences
عرض باوربوينت لدروس Mega Goal1.3 أول ثانوي ف3
عروض دروس الإنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث
Read the article.
Smile, Paris!
In 2009, the residents of Paris took a bold but simple action they decided to smile! There is a good reason for this.
The Paris Tourist Board said that they were trying to get more travelers to visit Paris.
the City of Light.
They hoped that more smiles would help.
It’s no secret that Paris has had a reputation among tourists asan unfriendly city.
But for years, tourists still came.
Paris was a must-see world city.
Now that travel is more expensive, some travelers are thinking twice about visiting Paris.
And the numbers show this.
Seventeen percent fewer travelers visited Paris over the past year.
The results of a recent online survey also shocked Paris tourist associations.
It showed that participants thought that Paris was not just an unfriendly city, but that Paris was the most overrated city in Europe, too.
Many said that it was the high prices and unpleasant residents that made Paris the most over-rated.
It was clear that Paris was suffering from a bad reputation, and that this bad reputation was hurting the economy.
The founder of a tourism association in Paris said that tourism had traditionally generated more than two million jobs and had been a major economic sector.
He said that at this point all citizens needed to help change Paris’s reputation.
And then it happened—the brilliant idea to have residents smile more.
It’s clear now that the idea is working.
Tourists are seeing more smiles.
For example, the tourist board has hired smile ambassadors and set up stands where these smiling people welcome tourists.
The good will generated by the smile campaign is still growing.
Recently, 100 roller-skaters formed a giant smile in the center of Paris in Place Vendome.
The head of the tourist board said that there was nothing more inviting than a smile.
And it seems to be true.
Tourists not only want to visit the City of Lights, they want to visit the City of Smiles, too.