تحضير مادة الإنجليزي Mega Goal1.3 الثانوية مسارات
تحضير-وتوزيع-MEGA-GOAL-1.3تحضير مادة الإنجليزي Mega Goal1.3 أول ثانوي مسارات
من محتويات الملف
General Objective of Teaching English in High Stage
1- Use English language structures and analyze them to understand the relationships among them.
2- Learn the assigned vocabulary, idioms, and expressions and understand their meanings in context.
3- Acquire the ability to listen to comprehend English language and to distinguish between different intonations.
4- Participate in conversations and discussions using proper English.
5- Acquire the ability to read and comprehend English texts through different reading types (i.e. loud reading) and reading strategies (i.e. scanning, pleasure and reading for all understanding.
6- Write a free-essay of three paragraphs using correct English.
7- Translate English text into Arabic and vice versa.
8- Realize the importance of English in the local job market.
9- Be aware of the importance of English as an international language of communication for introducing Islam, our culture, and our cultural achievements to others.
10- Be aware of the importance of English as an international language of communication for benefiting from achievements to others cultures in accordance with Islamic teaching; through texts representing various life situations.
11- Gain a reasonable command of English in order to be in a better position to defend Islam against adverse criticism and to participate in the dissemination of Islamic culture.
To carry out banking transactions.
To talk about stress.
To listen for specific information/ draw conclusions.
To listen and identify language functions in discourse.
To recycle and use familiar stress, intonation patterns, identify falling/ rising intonation patterns.
To read the text correctly.
To write about stress and give advice.
To recognize the new vocabulary in text
Greet the students and say “Welcome”.
Pages 2 & 3:
Ask the students to listen and practice reading the conversation in pairs.
Ask them to role-play a conversation with a partner.
In group ask the students listen to the conversation and answer the questions, then write the number of the correct expression in the blank.
About You:
In pairs, ask each student to work with a partner and role-play a conversation like the one at same page and use expressions from
In group ask the students to listen and note the rising or falling intonation, then find more examples for rising or falling intonation in the
Greet the students and say “Welcome”.
Write the date and the title on the board.
Introduce the new vocabulary and write them on the board.
They read the words one by one aloud.
Ask them to look at page 4.
Ask Students to practice reading the text and answer the questions.
Ask some students to test each other in pairs.
I Check the answers with the class.
In pairs, ask students to write two or more important things that cause stress in their peers.
Then they give some advice for handling these things.
Ask students to copy the organizer shown in page 5 into their notebook and write their notes in it, then they use it to help them write.