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أوراق عمل Mega Goal1.3


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أوراق عمل إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث ف3

من محتويات الملف

U 1 , Listen and Discuss

A- Match the complaints to their suitable categories :
1 – The shirt is torn ( ) Car Repair
2 – The TV screen is broken ( ) Product
3 – The roof is fallen ( ) Housing
4 – The engine oil light is on ( ) Clothing

B– Put the following phrases under their suitable column :

scratched TV – flat tire – missing button – dripping faucet
leaky pipe – dent in the body – cell phone-no signal – torn

Housing Car Repair Clothing Electronic

( Mega 1.3 )
U 1 , Grammar
A)-Choose the correct answer :

1 – The flat needs to be …………………………… .
a – cleaning -b- clean -c cleaned

2 – The cabinet ………………… replaced .
a – needs be -b- needs to -c needs to be

3 – I got my hair …………………………… .
a – cutting -b- cut -c cuts

4 – We …………………………… the fridge repaired .
a – having -b- are have -c- have

5 – The doors were ………………………… .
a – break -b- broken -c broke
B)- Do as shown between brackets :
1 – Our car needs to be ( fix ) . ( Correct )
2- She sewed the ( tear ) sleeve . ( Correct )
3- fixed / car seat / we / our / got / . ( Rearrange)

U 1 , Language in context & Conversation
A- Match the words to their suitable picture :
1 – iron ( )
2- dessert ( )
3- meat grinder ( )
4- hair dryer ( )
5- shower cap ( )
6- baby stroller ( )

B- Fill in the spaces with the right words:
bright – sounds like – cotton – Yes, please, if you could
1 – Can you help me ? …………………………………………….. . I ‘d like to change this old bag .

2 – That kitten………………………………………… a human baby .

3- I bought a pair of jeans . They’re wide-cut with ……………………………… color .

4- That fabric is made of ………………………………………… .

أوراق عمل الوحدة الأولى إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث ف3

أوراق عمل إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث ف3

U 1 , Reading
A – Answer the following questions :
1 – What does Murphy’s Law state ?
2 – What is Robert Matthews’ nationality ?
3 – Where is Edward Murphy from ?

B- Choose the correct answer :
1 – If anything can go wrong , it might go wrong ……………………… .
a – Murphy’s Law -b- Matthews’ Law -c- Newton’s Law
2 – ……………………… made the law of probability against Murphy’s law .
a – Isaac Newton -b- Robert Matthews -c- Joseph Henry
3 – BBC Television gathered …………………………… people to do the experiment of the toast .
a – 20 -b- 80 -c- 300
4 – Edward Murphy was …………………………… at Edwards Air Force Base In USA .
a – a doctor -b- a teacher -c- an engineer
5 – Murphy’s phrase became popular in all areas to explain the ………of everyday things.
a – failure -b- success -c difficulty

U 1 , Writing
A- Match the sentences from ( 1 – 6 ) with the parts of the letter ( a – f ):
1- Yours Sincerely, ( ) a- greeting

2- I have been a regular customer for ( ) b- introducing your reason for writing
for your shop for many years .

3- I would like a refund of the ( ) c- background information
differences as soon as possible .

4- Dear Sir / Madam, ( ) d- what went wrong

5- I’m writing to complain about the service ( ) e- what you’d like to happen
that I received .

6- After leaving your shop, I realized I had ( ) f- closing
Been charged$100 instead of $10 .
B- Write a complaint letter :…………………………………………………………………………………………………

U 1 , ( Form , Meaning and Function )

A- Choose the best answer :
1 – They ……………………… already made a decision .
a – has -b- have -c- does

2 – She hasn’t …………………………… me an answer .
a – given -b- gived -c- gave

3 – We haven’t signed the contract …………………………… .
a – yet -b- just -c- still

4 – We enjoy …………………………… tennis .
a – played -b- playing -c- play

5 – They stop …………………… junk food .
a – eat -b- eats -c eating

6 – I know …………………… well .
a – he -b- him -c his

7 – They need …………………… their old house .
a – to selling -b- sell -c to sell
B- Do as shown between brackets :

أوراق عمل الوحدة الثانية إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث ف3

1 – We ( not decide ) what to do yet . ( Correct )
2 – M son avoids ( go ) to the dentist . ( Correct )
3- She tells ( he ) the truth . ( Correct )
4 – like / my father / to / I / help / . ( Rearrange )

U 2 , Listen and Discuss
A- Match the words to their suitable pictures :
1 – truck ( )
2 – bridge ( )
3 – tornado ( )
4 – bull ( )
5 – train ( )
6 – volcano ( )

B– Choose the right answer :
1 – New Orleans Louisiana located in ……………………… .
a – Australia -b- Britain -c- America
2 – Fausset’s house had been crashed in ……………………… .
a – 2004 -b- 2003 -c- 2005
3 – The ……………………… heard a terrific noise from Fausset’s house .
a – neighbors -b- policeman -c- family
4 – The fireball was seen by ……………………… people .
a – two -b- three -c- four
5 – Fausset’s house was hit by a ……………………… .
a – train -b- truck -c- meteorite
6 – The three largest fragments weighed ……………………… pound .
a – 6.5 , 9.2 and 2.2 -b- 6.5 , 2.9 and 2.2 -c- 5.6 , 9.2 and 2.1

( Mega 1.3 )
U 2 , Grammar
A)-Choose the correct answer :

1 – I …………………………… Spanish before I moved to Spain .
a – have studied -b- had studied -c had study

2 – The shopkeeper had closed the shop after I ………………… there .
a – had reach -b- reaching -c reached

3 – Had France …………………………… the football world cup ?
a – winning -b- won -c- wined

4 – He …………………………… be at home . I rang and there is no answer .
a – can’t -b- must -c- might

5 – You ………………………… be tired when you come home from 12-hour-day at work .
a – might -b- can’t -c must

B)- Do as shown between brackets :
1 – Ali had ( leave ) home before Sami arrived . ( Correct )
2- He ( fail ) the exam . I’m not sure yet. ( Use ” might have “ )
3- stolen / He / have / the / couldn’t / car / . ( Rearrange)
( Mega 1.3 )
U 2 , Language in context & Conversation
A- Look at the two pictures and guess what had happened :
B- Fill in the spaces with the right words:
Beats me – weird – Excuse me – weather balloon – UFO – Gee

1 – …………….. . What’s going on ?
2 – ……………… ! that’s look like fun .
3- …………………. ! it must be a call for you .
4- …………………… stands for Unidentified Flying Object .
5- ………………….. is a balloon that you send to the sky for giving information about the weather .
6- ………………… means very strange .

U 2 , Reading
A – Answer the following questions :
1 – What is the kingdom’s most valuable asset ?
2 – What will culture and entertainment project contribute ?
3 – Does the kingdom have a strategic position ? Explain ?
4 – Why will the government services be streamlined ?

B- Match the following words to their suitable meanings :
1 – quality ( ) to make someone interested in something .
2 – address ( ) the act of spending money/making money available for profit .
3 – attract ( ) how good or bad something is .
4 – investment ( ) to start trying to solve it

U 2 , Writing
A- Write a description of a famous expedition or voyage :

U 2 , ( Form , Meaning and Function )

A- Choose the best answer :

1 – I was feeling hungry, ……………………… I made my self a sandwich .
a – or -b- yet -c- so

2 – He was sad after he ………………… the game .
a – lost -b- loose -c- losting

3 –I forgot to take my umbrella, ……………… I got soaked under the heavy rain.
a – or -b- but -c- and

4 – The Pizza was …………………………… delicious .
a – very -b- extremely -c- absolutely

5 – If it rains , I …………………… go to the park .
a – will -b- would -c would have

6 – The weather was …………………… cold .
a – absolutely -b- very -c completely

B- Do as shown between brackets :

1 – As soon as I got home , I ( clean ) my room . ( Correct )
2 – If you heat ice, it ( melt ) . ( Correct )
3- We ( get up ) early . ( Use “ have to “ )
4 – They ( need to ) go to the cinema now . ( Negative )
5 – to / study / she / English / has / . ( Rearrange )
6 – was / The / absolutely / freezing / water / . ( Rearrange )

U 3 , Listen and Discuss
A- Match the words to their suitable pictures :
1 – Light bulb ( )
2 – Airplane ( )
3 – Oil ( )
4 – Penicillin ( )
5 – Computer ( )
6 – Wheel ( )

B– Choose the right answer :
1 – The ……………………… had invented the wheel in 5000 B.C.E .
a – Incans -b- Mayans -c- Sumerians
2 – The ……………………… brothers had invented the first successful airplane .
a – Alexander -b- Wyat -c- Wright
3 – Dr. Alexander Fleming had discovered ……………………… in 1982 .
a – computer -b- penicillin -c- light bulb
4 – ……………………… invented the light bulb .
a – Thomas Edison -b- Graham Bell -c- Dr. Alexander
5 – The first PC was introduced by ……………………… in 1981 .
a – IMB -b- IBM -c- MBI
6 – The first commercial oil well drilled in ……………………… .
a – 1585 -b- 1588 -c- 1858

أوراق عمل الوحدة الثالثة إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث

( Mega 1.3 )
U 3 , Grammar
A)-Choose the correct answer :

1 – If it …………………………… , we wouldn’t have gone shopping .
a – had rain -b- had rained -c had raining

2 – I’m really hungry . I should …………………………… a bigger breakfast .
a – have eat -b- have eating -c have eaten

3 – If I had studied hard , I would ………………………… the exam .
a – have passed -b- has passed -c- have pass

4 – If they had worked harder , they …………………………… more money .
a – might have make -b- might have made -c- might made

5 – If I hadn’t had his help , I would …………………………… dead now .
a – be -b- been -c being
B)- Do as shown between brackets :
1 – If she had run faster , she could have ( win ) the race . ( Correct )
2- If you had known the truth , you wouldn’t be ( smile ) . ( correct )
3- done / He / should / his / homework / have / . ( Rearrange)

U 3 , Language in context & Conversation

A- Answer the following questions :
1 – Who was walking aimlessly on a California beach?
2 – What did he find on the beach ?
3 – What’s the name of Alexander’s attorney ?
4 – How much money did the driver receive ?

B- Fill in the spaces with the right words:

had my mind set – breathing down – you mean – as for ( me ) – go out into the world
1 – What if I had said no? “ About the apartment, ………………………………….. ?”
2 – I want to finish my study in the university and ………………………………………. .
3- How can I concentrate with you ………………………………… my neck all the time ?
4- I ………………………………….. on a career because I got a bachelor degree.
5- ……………………………………….. , I studied technology in the future .

U 3 , Reading
A – Answer the following questions :
1 – How much money did the writer lend his friend ?
2 – What happened when the writer asked his friend some of the money ?
3 – What was the writer’s reaction after his friend walked away ?
4 – How did the driver judge that the man must have been millionaire ?
5 – How was the man’s feeling when he got back his watch ?

B- Match the following words to their suitable meanings :
1 – allowance ( ) thankful
2 – grateful ( ) something valuable that has belonged to the same family for many years
3 – heirloom ( ) money that a parent regularly gives to the child
4 – praise ( ) to say you admire and approve of someone or something

U 3 , Writing

A- Choose one of the letter in the unit to write an answer to ( Give your advice ) :
U 3 , ( Form , Meaning and Function )
A- Choose the best answer :
1 – They haven’t lived here ……………………… years .
a – for -b- since -c- ago
2 – He has been here ………………… 7 o’clock .
a – for -b- yet -c- since
3 – We ……………………………… some plants in our garden .
a – have planted -b- have plant -c- have planting
4 – …………………………… you open the window, please ?
a – Could -b- May -c- Must
5 – She could ……………………………… when she was ten .
a – walks -b- walked -c walk
6 – …………………… I use your mobile to call my father, please ? .
a – Would -b- May -c Should

B- Do as shown between brackets :
1 – It ( rain ) heavily last week . ( Correct )
2 – If I had had more time, I would have ( be ) able to pass the exam . ( Correct )
3- She ( call ) her mother yesterday . ( Negative )
4 – use / pen / may / your / I / ? / ( Rearrange )
5– The Sumerians invented the wheel in 5000 B.C.E. ( When )

U 4 , Listen and Discuss
A- Match the words to their suitable pictures :
1 – candidate ( )

2 – storm ( )

3 – reporter ( )

4 – pomegranate ( )

5 – pumpkin ( )

6 – universe ( )

B– Put ( True ) or ( False ) :
1 – The one who wants to be elected for a particular is called candidate . ( )
2 – According to doctors, pumpkin seeds seemed to damage memory . ( )
3 – Pomegranate juice is healthy because it raises blood pressure . ( )
4 – The candidate for mayor promised to raise taxes . ( )

أوراق عمل الوحدة الرابعة إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث ف3

أوراق عمل إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث ف3
أوراق عمل الوحدة الأولى إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث ف3

U 4 , Grammar
A)-Choose the correct answer :

1 – He said that he …………………………… stay at home .
a – can -b- could -c could have

2 – She said that the train …………………………… at 5 .
a – left -b- leaved -c leaving

3 – He asked if Ali …………………………… at school .
a – was -b- is -c- been

4 – He asked where they …………………………… .
a – live -b- living -c- lived

5 – She said she …………………………… tennis . .
a – was play -b- was playing -c is playing

B)- Do as shown between brackets :
1 – He said, “ I have just finished the test “ . ( Report )
2 – They asked, “ Did he read a book yesterday ? “ ( Report )
3 – He asked, “ What has she seen ? “ ( Report )

U 4 , Language in context & Conversation
A- Put ( T ) or ( F ) according to what you hear in the following link :
1 – He held few positions in the government . ( )
2 – He stood for friends values . ( )
3 – His government will keep the standards of living as it is . ( )
4 – Scholarships will be provided for those who want to study medicine . ( )
5 – He wanted to illuminate literacy . ( )

B- Fill in the spaces with the right words:
telemarketing – hoax – really – in the end – or anything like that
1 – He’s ……………………………………… going to do it this time .
2 – ……………………………………… , he chose to go to Harvard University.
3- He wasn’t involved in drugs ………………………………………………
4- The bomb threat turned to be a …………………………………………… .
5- …………………… is a way of selling products to people in which you telephone People to see if they want to buy something .

U 4 , Reading
A – Answer the following questions :
1 – What’s King Salman’s primary goal ?
2 – Who is wise according to Benjamin Franklin ?
3 – What is the difference between wise men and fools according to Plato ?
4 – Who is the best husband a woman can have according to Agatha Christie ?
5 – Those who don’t complain are never pitied “ . What does this quote mean ?

B- Match the following:
1 – Bill Gates ( ) Greek Philosopher.
2 – Plato ( ) the first deaf and blind person to graduate from college.
3 – Robert Frost ( ) Founder of Microsoft in 1981 .
4 – Helen Keller ( ) American Poet.

U 4 , Writing

1- Write an email to your brother . Tell him what has happened and give him
directions on how to reach the hospital .

U 4 , ( Form , Meaning and Function )
A- Choose the best answer :
1 – ……………………… you seen that movie ?
a – Didn’t -b- Haven’t -c- Doesn’t

2 – This is the boy ………………… had an accident .
a – who -b- which -c- where

3 – The camp …………………… we first met is still our favorite place to go to .
a – who -b- which -c- where

4 – Yesterday I saw a car …………………… was very old
a – who -b- which -c- where

5 – When does the event start? Can you tell me when the event ……………… ?
a – starting -b- started -c starts

6 – A : I went shopping . B: ……………………………………… .
a – So I did -b- So did I -c Neither did I

B- Do as shown between brackets :
1 – Where is the nearest school ? ( Indirect question )
2 – I know a restaurant ……………………………… the seafood is excellent .
( Use suitable relative pronouns )
3- A: He won’t help her . B: ………………………………………… . ( Use “ Neither “ )
4 – for / he / the / didn’t / study / test / ? / ( Rearrange )
5- Ali : I can play tennis . ( Use “ too “ )
Fahad : ……………………………………………… .
6- Amal : I didn’t sleep well . ( Use “ either “ )
Sara : ……………………………………………………… .
7- Khalid : I am not very short . ( Express disagreement )
Salman : …………………………………………………… .

أوراق عمل إنجليزي أول ثانوي الفصل الثالث ف3

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